Friday, September 26, 2008



I drove around yesterday night for almost an hour looking for gas, and found none...none at all. I was flabbergasted, I just couldn't believe that out of the 20 or so gas stations I passed, all they had was diesel. And the one place that did had gas was only letting you get $25 worth, and I was nearing empty like two and a half ticks from being empty I needed more then 6 1/2 gallons, plus the place had a line that stretched around the corner, down the road and onto parts of the highway.

Its all the media's fault...the weather channel, the news...they made all these comments and jokes trying to be cute and pretending that they actually know something kept talking "Better go get gas because the hurricane is going to hit the tankers and we wont have any deedeedee :B" and THEN! all the crazy panicky loons went and overdid if with trying to get gas and save it and fill up those canisters AN THEN!, and this is my favorite part, the hurricane3 didn't even hit the goddamn didn't even go close. I swear I could fucking spit.

Finally this morning when I went to get my tires fixed, I found a gas station that had just had their truck fill up all the pumps. I got as much gas as IO wanted and it was only 3.87, I was elated .

only to find that when I got home "some how", some water mysteriously spilled on my desk and all over my keyboard, but who ever it did it had the common decency to take the cup into the kitchen, and leave me a roll of paper towels >:(. So I had to go back to the store and buy a new one and the I had to get on with a USB so it would hook onto my laptop, and this one is really nice. Its small, lightweight, but its keys don't make that nifty clicky noise like my other one did. OH WELL I'll just make the noise in my head I guess.

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